Meditation Experience - Kalayanamitra Caroline Fraser
Meditation Experience from Kalayanamitra Caroline Fraser who joined the 8th version of The Middle Way Basic Program from Wat Johannesburg South Africa
Power of the Conquering Mara Model of the Luang Pu Amulet :- Mr. Rom Kimprakone
Power of the Conquering Mara batch of the Luang Pu Amulet. Mr. Rom Kimprakone unveiled his experiences about the power and holiness of the Great Master Luang Pu.
A Different Point of Views
My oldest sister follows a different creed called “Sanya”. The members of this creed chant something different from Buddhist morning and evening chanting. They light candle when they start chanting, and put the candle off when they finish a sentence of a chant. They repeat the same routine until they finish chanting.
Absolute and Relative Truth
Concerning the truth of the Middle way that consists of the two Truths. It is Relative Truth and Absolute Truth. By the great Buddhist master Nagarjuna of Nalanda,
Tibetan monk discusses happiness at Royal Poinciana Chapel
Buddhism And The Zen Of Punk Rock
Honoring the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn on the Anniversary of His 74th Birthday
As the 74th anniversary of the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn’s (Luang Por Dattajeevo) – Vice Abbot of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, birthday approaches, it is of great honor and privilege for his disciples, comprised of venerable monks, novice monks, laymen and laywomen, and the general public, to recognize the benevolence and kindness of this magnanimous human being for his complete devotion to Buddhism and the vast knowledge he has imparted on us.
The next Step for Meditation Practitioners
There are some drawbacks when practicing the Dhammakaya meditation technique, by consulting this meditation manual exclusively without a meditation master.
Schedule of the Ceremonies on Thursday September 19th, 2013
Schedule of the Ceremony of Worshipping to the Great Master of Vijja Dhammakaya And the Ceremony of Inviting the Gold Statue of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro) who Rediscovered Vijja Dhammakaya on Thursday September 19th, 2013
A Man Who Violated His Daughter and Another Relative of the Same Blood Line
Why was my father a womanizer habitually and why did he commit adultery with the persons in his family? After he dies what kind of kammic retribution will he suffer from? If he was to come back to be reborn again how will he pay back his kammic retribution in the next life? In this life how can my father resolve this?